Sunday, April 29, 2012

Two men who are dedicated to Bristol

WE are now just a few days away from the referendum which will decide whether Bristol has an elected mayor. It has taken a while but the debate, particularly on these letters' pages, has really picked up.

The announcement by businessman Abdul Malik that he will stand as a candidate if people in Bristol opt for an elected mayor will give the issue further impetus.

For like fellow candidate George Ferguson he has shown himself to be a highly successful businessman. And like Mr Ferguson he has also served as a councillor.

Mr Malik has also shown himself to be a committed community leader. His dedication led to St Mark's Road in Easton being completely revitalised. He has also displayed a rare ability to understand and to bring together people from different faiths and backgrounds.

It is of course up to everyone to make up their minds and vote for or against an elected mayor on Thursday. But the value of Mr Ferguson and Mr Malik putting themselves forward is that it gives us the chance to see the calibre of people who will stand.

In both cases these are intelligent, committed and energetic figures who both love this city. That should give us all heart.

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