Monday, July 16, 2012

Landmark former factory in Bitton to be knocked down for housing development

A DERELICT factory in the heart of a South Gloucestershire village looks set to be demolished to make way for a new housing estate.

The eyesore factory building in the centre of Bitton has been left empty for more than six years.

And the Canadian owners are now hoping to sell the former foundry and paper mill to housing developers after years of stalled talks.

The dilapidated factory in Bath Road made parts for cars until its closure in 2006.

After years of negotiations the owner, the Stronach Group, has decided to put the property on the market. The 17.6 acre site is now being marketed by Colliers International.

Louise Seaman, who works for Colliers, said: "The owners had previously drawn up detailed plans for 128 new homes and a 60-bed care home on the site but this did not progress to a planning application."

The site is split into two main parts, the Golden Valley Paper Mill to the north of Mill Lane and the foundry site which overlooks Bath Road.

The site includes an area of woodland to the north along with two ponds. There are also a number of historic buildings on the factory site, including a gatehouse and former canteen building.

Mrs Seaman said: "The factory closed in 2006 and many of the buildings have substantially deteriorated since then. A successful development of the site would end years of uncertainty for people in the village. Apart from removing an eyesore on the landscape, redevelopment of the site would provide a means to clean up the widespread contamination and remove flood risks.

"Given this brownfield site will be expensive to develop, it will only be delivered if the council adopts a pragmatic and realistic approach recognising that retention of certain buildings may not be economically viable or an appropriate long-term solution."

Colliers International hopes to sell the site by the end of the year.

Landmark former factory in Bitton to be knocked down for housing development

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