Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mr Rooter Has A Great Sense Of Humor: Enjoy These Top 10 Jokes About Plumbers

Mr Rooter's Tip Of The Day: Bob Beall's favorite plumber jokes to tell around the picnic table.

Pocket Potty cartoon
Quote startRarely do I hear a new joke about plumbers but these would be my favorites!

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (PRWEB) September 02, 2012

?I?ve heard them all,? chuckles Bob Beall, president of Mr Rooter Plumbing in Youngstown Ohio and Mr Rooter Plumbing Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.

It doesn?t matter what profession, there?s a joke out there with a great punch line. Beall says, ?rarely do I hear a new joke about plumbers but these would be my favorites!? Mr Rooter Plumbing offers free plumbing tips daily to consumers. To subscribe, enter your email address in the bottom right corner and start your library of expert homeowner plumbing expertise today!

Have a safe and enjoyable Labor Day and share some plumbing humor at your picnic, compliments of the most referred plumber in the Northeast Ohio and Southwest Pennsylvania region!

Mr Rooter?s Top Ten Plumbing Joke List

Joke #10 Why couldn?t the plumber get a date? (Because he was a real ?drip?!)

Joke #9 Why did the plumber retire early? (He was ?flushed? with success!)

Joke #8 Why did the plumber start dancing? (He knew a little ?tap?!)

Joke #7 Why did the plumber fall asleep at work? (His job was ?draining?!)

Joke #6 Why was the plumber depressed? (His career went down the ?toilet?!)

Joke #5 Why are plumbers good at poker? (They know how to get a royal ?flush?!)

Joke #4 What kind of dreams does a plumber have? (?Pipe? dreams!)

Joke #3 What are a plumber?s favorite shoes? (?Clogs?!?

Joke #2 What is a plumber?s favorite vegetable? (?Leeks?!)

Joke #1 Why do plumbers wear green goggles? (They make turds look like pickles!)

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