Thursday, September 6, 2012

New photo apps develop from an old method

While sharing photos online is fine with most people, two Facebook apps that just debuted offer members of the social network a way to do more with their digital images in an old-school way - by printing them out. [...] drugstore chain Walgreens introduced an app that transmits a Facebook member's favorite photo - complete with location of the shot, who's in the photo and comments posted by friends - for printing at the retailer's nearest outlet. Back when consumers used analog cameras to capture images on film, the only way to share photos was to develop the film and print snapshots. [...] sharing photos digitally has become one of the prime uses of Face-book, which is paying $700 million to buy mobile photo-sharing app Instagram. According to research firm InfoTrends, 99 million people in the U.S. shared camera phone photos on social networks last year, a number that should climb to 122 million by 2016.

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