Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Choir appeals for new voices

A MIXED voice choir that practises in Bishopsworth is looking for more members.

Unity Singers, founded in 1984, consists of 31 members of all ages and abilities who enjoy singing and performing a variety of music in and around Bristol.

The group performs between eight and 12 concerts a year, raising money for Bristol-based charities.

The main charity supported is St Peter's Hospice, for which the group has been raising money since it began in the 1984. The second charity is changed every year and is usually Bristol-based. Over the years the group has supported the British Heart Foundation, the Meningitis Trust, Brace and the Willow Foundation. This year it is supporting Guide Dogs for the Blind.

Choir secretary Ruth Ridler said: "Over the past few years several members have retired and our numbers are dwindling, so we need singers in all sections of the choir but particularly tenors and basses."

Rehearsals are on Friday evenings from 8pm to 9.45pm at Bishopsworth United Reformed Church in the church hall.

If you are interested in joining contact Ruth Ridler on 01275 891551 or visit www.unity-singers.co.uk.

All new singers have a short audition after at least four rehearsals with the group.

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